il Tiramisù ~
"Strawberries pile in with the ladyfingers and the mascarpone, and a fizzy moscato stands in for the espresso. ..."
Read more: Tiramisù That Soaks Up Wine Instead of Coffee; nytimes.com
Check also: The Origins of Tiramisu; italianfood.about.com
PS: Probably starting with PASTA would have been the obvious way but, while checking my favorite 'Good Appetite' NYTimes column, I saw a delicious variation on a theme of one of the most diffused home-made desserts, at least in Italy, il Tiramisù.
The legend calls for the origin of Tiramisù in Siena as la 'Zuppa del Duca', or the Duke's Pudding. The dessert made for the Medici's family was an immediate success, for its alleged aphrodisiac properties, ergo, almost therapeutically, was to be enjoyed before any romantic rendezvous, (tête-à-tête).
It's not clear when we start calling it Tiramisù, but the link with its invigorating properties make it apparent: tira-mi-sù = pull-me-up.
"A kind word is like a Spring day." ~Russian Proverb (*)QuoteGarden.com
Real Food
To understand something about Italian cooking you must first understand that Italy is a very young country, ...
Read more: Introduction to Italian Food by Marcella Hazan; made-in-italy.com
Italian Cooking?
Not only does each region have its own style, but each community and each valley has a different way of cooking as well. ...
Read more: History and origins of Italian cuisine; annamariavolpi.com
'Al Dente', that's the way!
Pasta, one of the most popular Italian foods, it's just apparently easy to cook. And please, do not rely on what's written on the package, ...
Read more: How to cook pasta; academiabarilla.com
Flavors and Textures
Italy has around 450 varieties of cheese, delicious cheeses, but for some of them you have to be ready to hunt in regions, cities, towns of the country. ...
Read more: Cheese: Italy's Best; lacucinaitalianamagazine.com
Image by ockstyle via Flickr
~ Chocolate Macaroons | Fuss Free Cooking
~ Lemon Bars: taste of sunshine Ladyberd's Kitchen
~ Focaccia Salata alle Mele Dulcis in Furno
~ Biscuits with Chocolate Gravy - Natalie's Killer Cuisine
~ Strawberry and Cream Cake lululu at home
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from Amazon.com
* La Cucina: The Regional Cooking of Italy
* Cooking Italian, Vol. 2: The Cuisine of Southern Italy and the Islands
* Everyday Italian With Giada De Laurentis V3: Extra Easy Italian
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