The Times' top 10 recipes of 2009
"Caramelized onions and homemade pizza were just a few of the dishes that stirred the senses over at the Test Kitchen last year."Now that we're squarely in 2010, we can look back on 2009 and the hundreds of recipes published in the Food section and call it the year of meltingly delicious caramelized onions, or ...
the year we fell in love with quinoa all over again, or ...
Full Story: The Times' top 10 recipes of 2009; latimes.com
"Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along. ~Hugh Allen"(*)

New Year, new techniques
"Watch professional pastry perfecter, Experiment with spices, Master sauces"Whether you're watching the waistline, testing out a new kitchen gadget or staving off culinary stagnation, BBC Food has unearthed fresh cooking ideas to help you cook with full flavour and technical chutzpah.
Full List: New Year, new techniques; Food - BBC.co.uk
(*) from QuoteGarden.com
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