The biodynamic movement, advocating food that is grown and harvested in accordance with lunar cycles, is taking off.
Organic food has had a terrible recession. Before the crunch, the organic sector had been growing steadily year on year – but sales came to a crashing halt when cost-conscious customers began to look for cheaper alternatives.
Last week, sales of organic vegetables were revealed to be down by a fifth, while demand for organic wine and ...
Full Story: ...
... Is biodynamic the new organic?; by Jessica Fellowes

Cod, Zero Spending
As each day reduces our stock faster than we had planned, our cupboards do not runneth over. We did not go out and buy enough of what we consider to be essentials to carry us through the entire four weeks; that wasn’t the point. But I must admit, since each day seems to require more and more ingenuity to craft a tasty meal and provide the kids with what they need, ...
Full Story: Extreme Frugality: In Cod We Trust; by W. Hodding Carter

Like warning labels, plant names are succinct in their declarations. Death cap mushrooms? Not a good idea to add to a pizza. Poison Ivy? Leaves of three, let them be goes the old rhyme. And ...
Full Story: Mini Specialist|Found Food: Stinging Nettles; By: William R. Snyder

No-Cook Dishes - No energy. Great taste.
Arugula, Frisee, and Red-Leaf Salad with Strawberries
Create your own salad mix with a combination of three leafy-green varieties, each with its own unique color, texture, and flavor.
Full List: Delicious and Easy No-Cook Recipes
More Interesting List!
~ Diet and healthy cooking - Fresh recipe ideas for vegetarians. SoFeminine.co.uk
~ Forks in the Road - Two small villages in the Italian Dolomites are the unlikely center of a Michelin-starred gastronomic excellence. Forbes.com
~ Restaurant News - Whataburger Offers Wings Alternative for Football Fans. QSRMagazine.com
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