5 rising stars and their must-haves in the kitchen - The San Francisco Chronicle names five Bay Area chefs to watch and finds out what they can't live without. Lisa Eyherabide, for one, of Gitane in San Francisco, says it's the Portuguese copper-hinged steamer, called a cataplana.
Michael Mina, Loretta Keller and Charles Phan all have at least one thing in common: In the early stages of their careers they were singled out as Rising Star Chefs in The Chronicle.
For the past 17 years, we've given annual recognition to a group of talented young chefs in their 20s or very early 30s, and ...
Full Story: ...
... Rising Star Chefs 2009; by Michael Bauer
Remembering when American food was regional - A new book, "The Food of a Younger Land," recalls the time before the Interstate highway system, when food in America was truly regional. Mint-julep in Kentucky, hog-killing weather in North Carolina and more.
When did the Good Old Days end? Or did they? A new book contributes to the debate.
It is an enterprise in need of eternal update, the business of drawing the line after which - in the case of good eating - the Good Old Days ended, ushering in an era of the anti-natural, the weirdly industrial, the ruined Red Delicious, the frozen cheesesteak, or insert your own horror (you know you have one!) here.
Things started going to hell about 7,000 years ago, ...
Full Story: A tasty stew of food history; By Rick Nichols

Quiz zeroes in on cooking personality.
In today’s Well column, “Who’s Cooking? (For Health, It Matters), I write about how different cooking personalities can influence the entire family’s eating habits. Cornell University researchers studied nearly 800 family cooks and determined five distinct types. So what’s your cooking personality? Take the Well quiz to find out. ...
Full Story: What’s Your Cooking Personality?; By Tara Parker-Pope
More Interesting Links!
~ "The Guilty Secret of Celebrity Chefs" - Culinary creativity might take precedence when it comes to measuring saturated fat. Flavor or Fat: Where Is the Line for Celebrity Chef Recipes? abcnews.com
~ Meet Martini's Ancestor, the Martinez - The rough lineage of the martini starts with the Manhattan, ...
~ Consumers of the World Unite - SHOPPING, these days, is a political act.
~ Products for lazy cooks - Pre-cracked eggs sold in bottles are being criticized as a sign of laziness, but they are popular with restaurant cooks because they are easier to use and travel better. Lazy cooks - why stop at eggs in cartons? guardian.co.uk
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