Culinary Shape-Shifter, Calorie-Reduced Cuvées and The Perfect Bloody Mary

The egg, a smooth pearlescent self-contained ovoid, cool to the touch and hefty in the hand... Food for Thought | Medium

Grapefruit's New Main Squeeze, and The Alterna-Egg

23 other things you need to know about the food world in 2013, or else...25 Food Trends for 2013: In the Magazine: Bon Appétit

Lean Cuisine, your wine pairing has arrived. How you can sip your way to a skinnier figure with wine | The Globe and Mail

As with any classic worth its celery salt, there are as many variations on a bloody mary as there are stories behind the name... How to make the perfect bloody mary |

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Italica… Funghi, al sole per 60 minuti diventano integratori di vitamina D (e fanno dimagrire) | Salute 24 - Il Sole 24 Ore

Roman holidays: San Lorenzo in Lucina

Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the blossoms,
Kind deeds are the fruits.
~19th century rhyme used in primary schools

Delightfully yours, Food Meditations

Italica… Si fa presto a dire pesce fresco | L'espresso food&wine

A Repositioned Palate, Redefining Health, Generational Cooking... 2013′s top 10 food trends | Holy Kaw!

The petals may have dropped from the cherry trees, at least in the Tokyo area, but there are plenty of leaves to be seen... Springtime sweets come into bloom | The Japan Times

Chocolate Zucchini Cakes Spring Cakes in Bloom | Southern Living

Preserved Fruits in a Glass Jar
Preserved Fruits (Photo: ockstyle)

Appetibilis : Healthy corner & Gluten-Free notes

On the rise: cake with alternative flour recipes | Telegraph

Check our newsletter ::GlutenFree Etc @FoodMeditations::
On healthy eating in the global food community

Looking for recipes? Check : The Recipes Hunter Collection...

Ask to Join The Food Styling and Photography Club on Facebook to improve your skills in food photography and food styling, learn something about cooking and enjoy the visual...
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The digest on what's happening in the food community is a constant work in progress, with notes of gourmet travelers, on cooking, styling, taking pictures, writing and blogging about it. (Not necessarily in this order!)
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