Get the Kids to Eat Healthy, Fast Food and/or Home-Made Food?

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain. ~Carl G. Jung

Food & Drink on the

Rushed for time, don’t think you can cook or even afford good, tasty home prepared food? Then think again.
The idea that a burger from a fast food restaurant is cheaper than home cooked food is completely wrong. With some places charging around five pounds for a meal deal, I began to wonder how much the excuse that ‘fast food is popular because it is so cheap’, can be used any more. ...
Full Story: ...
... Fast food fallacy; by Katie Bills

Nutrition on

Back-to-school season is an opportunity to teach your child about nutrition at school and at home.
The 14,300 students served by the public school cafeterias in Lee's Summit, Mo., have delicious yet healthy options.
Among the menu items are fresh watermelon, fresh carrots with low-fat ranch dip, baked chicken nuggets, chilled (frozen) strawberries, low-fat mashed potatoes with non-fat gravy, and ...
Full Story: How To Get Kids To Eat Healthy; by Rebecca Ruiz

The Curious Cook on the

Thermotherapy, a very hot fruit bath, is an effective way to stave off mold growth on berries.
ONE of summer’s great pleasures is eating berries of all kinds by the basketful. One of summer’s great frustrations is having baskets of berries go moldy overnight, or even by nightfall.
Over the years I’ve come up with various strategies for limiting my losses, but this summer I came across a surprising one, the most effective I’ve ever tried. Thermotherapy, it’s been called. A very hot fruit bath.
Fruits go moldy because mold spores are everywhere, ...
Full Story: Prolonging the Life of Berries; by HAROLD McGEE

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